Fire Academy Students…Representing Lakes, Choice & Career Options for PBC, JP Morgan Chase, and the Education Foundation


Tera Hands, Choice Coordinator

On March 7, three members of the inaugural class of the PBL Fire Academy participated in the career academy display featured at the Distinguished Alumni & Leadership Awards Banquet hosted by the Business Development Board. Freshmen Maxwell Doyle, Charles Edwards, and Nikaysia Mendez showed up and showed out. They spoke to the many community business leaders about the new academy and what they hope to get out of the program. They demonstrated one of the first skills they were taught–fast dress.  It is imperative that they know how to dress in their gear from head to toe (snaps, buttons, and Velcro included) in 90 seconds. These new academy students had fun with this hands-on showcase of their talents.  A real highlight for the team was being visited by some members of JP Morgan Chase, the sponsors of the PBL Fire Academy! It was nice of them to stop by and see their investment working for a great cause. What a great day it was for all!