Join the Student Forum

Tera Hands, Choice Coordinator

Currently, there are over 400 students in the Choice programs at PBL.  That is a lot of voices to be heard.  The FCCP Student Forum was organized to give voice to each academy and to each academy student wishing to speak–constructively.  It is important that the academies are given a platform to discuss the issues and concerns unique to their programs.  The idea is to give the students a sense of academy ownership.   The students love hearing about all of the other academies and finding out what everyone else is doing.  In the monthly meetings, students share ideas and academy information.  The Forum discusses possible fundraisers, creates signs and banners to advertise for fundraisers, and communicates the details of fundraisers and other projects with the rest of their groups.   The members of  this club also review the Choice online newspaper and brainstorm for more story ideas.   Students interested in the FCCP Student Forum should see their academy teacher to procure the application.  All completed applications should be submitted to Mrs. Hands (Rm. 1-152a).