Sunita Chutkan…

Tera Hands, Choice Coordinator

Ms. Chutkan and her academy presented Biotechnology Week 2018 (December 3-7). The week included various biotechnology-related and non-biotech related activities. There was a field trip as well as special guest appearances on campus.  The students were surprised with a special Biotech Week shirt to wear to the finale event–the ice cream social.  Fun was had by all; can’t wait until next year for Biotech Week 2019!

December 3–“What is Biotechnology?” Fair & Trip to PBSC (Biotech Poster Symposium)

December 4–Academy Field Day

December 5–DNA Extraction Demonstrations & T.E.N. Film Session

December 6–After School Movie Special

December 7–Showcase at FirstFridays@PBL & Ice Cream Social (special guests from PBSC)