What’s Happening Now? … Eligibility Check!
November 15, 2018
The Choice application window has now CLOSED (as of January 25, 2019).

All of the academies are Choice programs, except for the Fire Academy, which is our only In-House academy. Only students zoned to attend PBL can apply for that program.
Please make sure that the address recorded on the application is the correct application; likewise, please make sure that the email addresses on the application belong to parents and not students. This is an important communication tool for Choice results and questions.
In order for applicants’ names to be placed in the lottery for selection, students must be eligible for the programs they applied for on their applications. If you are currently at a private school or a school where the grades are inaccessible through normal means (SIS portal), please be sure to upload your child’s last 7th grade report card as well as the latest 8th grade report card to the application portal.
All of the applications are for next school year (2019-2020). The lottery process begins early March. Parents will be notified of lottery results late March/early April via an email from the School District of Palm Beach County (Dept. of Choice and Career Options). Soon after, the schools’ Choice offices will reach out with congratulations letters as well as program contracts. Once you have applied, please look for communication from the district and/or from the schools.
It is important to notify the district’s Choice office and the schools you are applying to if your address, email, or phone number changes after you have submitted your application. Thanks for your interest in the Five Carat Choice Program at PBL. Stay tuned for more information.