Career Explorations in DCT
December 8, 2016
Deciding on a career to pursue is a big deal! Most people switch multiple times before settling on a profession. DCT students at PBL are thankful for the opportunity to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) exam. As the name indicates, the exam is not just as armed forces selection tool; it is also given as a part of a career exploration program. The program assists students in learning about job exploration and planning in both civilian and military occupations. The test is given to students free of charge. DCT teacher, Mr. Hands, schedules the ASVAB yearly for his students as way to introduce careers and to help students determine the job types most suitable for them as indicated by their ASVAB results. When results come in, a certified ASVAB administrator is invited each year to help students read and interpret their scores. This is one way that our school is making sure that our students are both college and career ready–Great job, Mr. Hands and DCT!