FCCP Wants YOU: Apply Today!

Tera Hands, Choice Coordinator

The Five Carat Choice Program (FCCP) at Palm Beach Lakes consists of the following stellar academies:  Biotechnology (3.0 required), Early Childhood (2.5 required), Law (2.5 required), Medical Sciences (3.0 required), and Teacher Education (3.0 required).

To find out more about each academy, go to the Choice Edline page at www.edline.net/pages/Palm_Beach_Lakes_High_School/Five_Carat_Choice_Program; to see some exciting highlights about FCCP, go to the online newspaper at pblchoicenews.org.

Incoming 9th graders and upcoming 10th graders who meet the criteria and have transportation to PBL should apply online at mypbchoiceapp.com (click “Apply Now”).  The deadline for all applications is January 30, 2015.